profiles in presence: sam chandler


Peaceful Presence Doula :  SAM CHANDLER
In his own words:

Sam Chandler is a BMW mechanic in Central Oregon, raising two teenage sons with his wife.  Sam is also an End of Life Doula with The Peaceful Presence Project, having graduated from the organization’s very first class in the winter of 2021.

As a young man, Sam was in an altercation that became violent; he was knifed and critically wounded. While Sam was hospitalized he had a transformative near death experience. He healed with a deep knowing “that death is not anything to be feared. . . death scared me when I was a kid, but after this experience, I wasn’t scared of dying. I actually was very interested in it and I felt that I wanted to share this (lack of fear) with other people.

“For me, it’s important to be with people through that transition, to make them feel as comfortable as possible . . . not to tell them how it’s going to be, but just to be there and support them through the process. I have no problem being quiet, I’m not there to guide them, just to listen to them, answer their questions, and to support the family as well.”

Regarding The Peaceful Presence Project, Sam says, “I’m so appreciative that the Universe guided me in their direction.” 

Sam’s goals and dreams are to continue working with veterans (he currently visits a 91 year old veteran weekly), the unhoused who he feels are shunned by our society, and ultimately, to create a compassionate community within Oregon’s prisons, where too many of this outcast population die alone and afraid.

We are so grateful for Sam’s compassion and loving spirit, shared with all who he attends as an end-of-life doula!