Tanya Hughes


Tanya Hughes, LMT, CA, NEDA proficient end of life doula

Tanya is a licensed massage therapist, aromatherapist, herbalist, breathworker, artist and end of life doula. Her work and approach are heavily influenced by alchemical pathworking, earth medicines, somatics, attunement and wonder. Tanya cultivates spaces and experiences where the convergence of healing, authentic relating, art and storytelling weave to deepen our both our singular and interconnected human experience.

She is passionate about advanced care planning, companioning the dying (and those supporting the process), home funerals, green burial and uplifting both a creative, empowered and soulful end of life journey.

Following her own bout with breast cancer in 2021, Tanya learned first hand the potency, humility and motivation that came from facing her own eventual “disappearance”. Tanya graduated from the Peaceful Presence Doula program in 2022 and is an active hospice volunteer.